Express Agreement Constructive Trust

Express Agreement Constructive Trust: Understanding the Basics

In legal terms, a constructive trust is an equitable remedy that arises by operation of law when a person obtains legal title to property but is obligated to hold it for the benefit of another person. In simpler terms, a constructive trust is a legal tool used to ensure that someone who has acquired property or assets meant for someone else holds it in trust for that person. The express agreement constructive trust is a specific type of constructive trust that arises when there is an express agreement between the parties involved.

An express agreement constructive trust is created when two or more parties have entered into an agreement that one party will hold property on behalf of the other party. Often, this occurs in situations where someone provides money or resources to acquire an asset, and the other party obtains legal title to that asset. In such instances, the person who provided the funds or resources can argue that a constructive trust should be created over the asset, ensuring that they benefit from the asset`s value.

An express agreement constructive trust can be established in a variety of ways. The agreement may be in writing or verbal, with evidence of the agreement usually presented in court to establish the trust`s existence. The agreement may also be implied, arising by conduct or circumstance. For example, if one party contributes money towards a property`s purchase, and the other party agrees to hold the property in their name, a constructive trust may arise.

Importantly, for an express agreement constructive trust to arise, there must be a clear intention for the property to be held in trust. The intention can be established by looking at the parties` conduct, surrounding circumstances, and any agreements or discussions between the parties.

In addition, the express agreement constructive trust only applies to specific property and only exists for the benefit of the party who contributed funds or resources. This means that the trust will not extend to other assets that were not intended to be held in trust.

An express agreement constructive trust can arise in various situations, including family law matters, business disputes, and breach of trust claims. In family law, for instance, a spouse may argue that a constructive trust should be established over the marital home if they contributed funds towards its purchase or renovation. In business disputes, a partner may argue that a constructive trust should be established over company assets if another partner acquired them with funds contributed by the partnership.

In conclusion, an express agreement constructive trust is a legal tool used to ensure that property or assets meant for someone else are held in trust for that person. It arises when two or more parties have entered into an agreement that one party will hold property on behalf of the other party. To establish an express agreement constructive trust, there must be a clear intention for the property to be held in trust. It is a valuable remedy that can be used in a variety of situations, including family law matters, business disputes, and breach of trust claims.